Thursday, December 31, 2009


Presentes que eu fiz e presentes pra mim ( 4 livros da Kim Hargreaves ).

Gifts I made and gifts for me ( 4 books from Kim Hargreaves ).

Pokloni to sam uradila i poklone za mene ( 4 knjige od Kim Hargreaves ).

Das Geschenke habe ich gemacht und geschenke für mich ( 4 Bücher von Kim Hargreaves ).

Desejo a todos um ótimo Nata e um feliz ano novol!
I wish all a very nice Xmas and a happy new year!
Želim sretan Božić i sretna nova godina svima!
Ich wünsche Alles eine Schöne Weihnachten und Gutes Neues Jahr!


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Blog novo/New Blog/Novi blog/Neues Blog

Oi povo,

Entao, devagarinho eu vou comecar a mudar de blog. Meu novo endereco e: Clube do Tricot. Por enquanto vou postar aqui o mesmo que colocar por la. Quando resolver desativar completamente esse Blog, eu aviso :)


Hi people,

I'll slowly move form this address to a new one (Clube do Tricot). For the time being I'll post on both Blogs and when I decide to completely deactivate this one i tell you guys :)



Premjestit ću ovaj blog na novu adresu (Clube do Tricot). Nastavit ću "post-ati" ovdje i na novom blogu. Kad odlučim zatvoriti ovdje reći ću vam :)



Ich ziehe langsam von diese Adresse nach meine neue im Wordpress (Clube do Tricot). Wann ich diese Adress schließen bestimme, berichte ich euch :)

